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Why Businesses Need Social Media

Let's start with one simple fact: your business NEEDS social media.

It doesn't matter if you run a small local shop or a large enterprise. Social media is an essential piece of your business strategy.

Social media platforms help you connect with customers, increase brand awareness, and ultimately boost your leads and sales. There are over 3 billion active users on social media, it's here to stay.

Here are five reasons why investing in social media is a vital business move.

Social Media Drives Targeted Traffic

Social media posts provide an opportunity for the every day social media user to find your new web content and click through to your website. And because those posts will primarily show up in the feeds of followers and of people who are interested in your product, that traffic is typically very targeted. It won't simply boost your traffic numbers - it will bring in the type of visitors you want to attract.

When it Comes to Newsjacking, Social Media is King

In our media-saturated world, it's hard to tell when fate will throw a great opportunity towards your brand. Sometimes your brand can be mentioned by an influencer. Other times, there's a news story or meme that fits perfectly within your brand.

If you can engage with the story while everyone is paying attention, it can lead to increased engagement, viral posts, traffic visibility, or greater brand awareness. This strategy requires to take immediate action while it's still breaking news. If you wait it will seem like your just riding the trend.

A Strong Social Media Presence Builds Brand Loyalty

An active social media presence will help you build loyal customers.

When engaging the public on social media, you're building trust and rapport. Take the time to provide your followers with useful information, help, and entertainment without anything in return.

This clearly shows your following you value them, not just as a source of revenue, but rather as people. If your customers realize that you care about them and provides value they will see you in a higher regard. In a competitive market this can be a huge difference.

Social Media is Key to Customer Service

Quick customer response time isn't optional anymore. If there's a problem with one your products or services, customers expect the problem to be resolved immediately.

Few companies meet these expectations.

A Sprout Social study found that customers want responses from social media within 4 hours, while the average response time is 10 hours.

If you can quickly respond to their complaint, you may be able to save the relationship.

It's been proven that consumers reward companies who respond quickly to customer requests and complaints. Your unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

Social Media Will Get You More Sales

I'm sure you've asked yourself if social media is worth it. Trust us it is.

When you stay in front of your potential customers, they're more likely to buy from you when they need the products or services you sell.

You can influence customer buying decisions at multiple points along your sales funnel from blogs, answering customer questions, to incentivizing buyers with promotions or addressing pain points.

With all the work that goes into marketing and growing your business, getting a chance to build real connections with customers is incredibly rewarding.

Want to work with us? Check out our social media services.

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